Jaquelina Ponte
Administrative Assistant
I am Jaquelina, born in Lamego, in 1972. I have worked in Porto for 23 years before joining anarchlab.
Most admirable place I've ever been:
Quinta de Ventozelo
Cities I love most:
Where would I like to go still:
Trip of my life:
Greek Isles Cruise
Motto for life:
Living surrounded by happy people
Favorite Food:
Beloved objects:
An addiction:
A ritual:
1st task of the day breakfast and coffee, 2nd shower to wake up
A virtue:
Enjoy helping others
A flaw:
Impatient, nervous and stressed
The quality I value most:
The truth
Day or Night:
Favorite Season:
Writers that I'm never tired of:
Elizabeth Adler; Nora Roberts; José Rodrigues dos Santos and Helena Sacadura Cabral
A movie above all:
Ghost (1990)
Soundtrack of my life:
Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
Sand or Asphalt:
Sand in summer, Asplhalt in winter
First Architecture Memory:
My son's peculiar drawings
Best Bar in Town:
Bar do Lipe
The sport I pretend to do: